://capsulado tempo.net: how to preserve net art?

This life-course proposes a reflection on digital collections since these works are subject to programmed obsolescence and still remain at the margins of the art circuit.  The goal is to seek ways that best fit the specificities of net art conservation so that these works can be accessed again in the future.

What does this course include?

1st meeting: Presentation by the artist-supervisor. Presentation of collections and the different strategies for access and conservation of net art (20 min)

2nd meeting: web performance that leads to a meditative journey, between fiction and reality, navigating through the networks of the body and net art to mentally create a digital collection of net art at ://capsuladotempo.net. 

3rd meeting: open for live exchanges or further interaction through comments and sending the net art form ://capsuladotempo.

What is the course project?

Works of art on the net are subject to programmed obsolescence. As a final project, the course proposes that students reflect on the conservation of their work and include it in ://capsuladotempo.net.


No previous knowledge, program, or specific tool is required. Anyone interested in the subject may take the course.

  • 124 STUDENTS
  • AUDIO: Portuguese
  • SUBTITLES: English

Denise Agassi

Artist whose research refers to acting in network structures that relate to the physical, energetic and digital dimensions of the body and the planet. Master by FASM/SP (2007-2009). Bachelor's degree in Visual Arts from FAAP/SP (1997-2002). Participates in national and international exhibitions and artistic residencies. Among the main ones are: Funarte Marc Ferrez Photography Award (2022); Pivô Research (2021); ALTav Artistic Residency (2020); Campos of Invisibility Exhibition, (2019), among others.