(Re)invent the wheel? Introduction to Media Archeology

The course presents a specific approach to studies related to the development of media, whose principle is to place in relation technologies of the present, the past, and the future. As much as the creation in media art is very much linked to the innovative potential of the new media created, it is also fruitful and sensible to recognize that some principles and mechanisms often announced as novels are re-readings, updates, and/or fictionalizations of already known technologies.

What will you learn?

In the first meeting, you will get an overview of the main schools and authors that approach media archaeology and the problematizations linked to this more complex and non-linear vision of media history. Next, besides pointing out the theoretical paradigms that are interlocutors of the field, the course exemplifies how the media-archaeological approach can be employed both in your theoretical and practical research in the branches of arts and communication. In the end, the professor makes a provocation on how a Brazilian and/or Latin American media archaeology approach could be supported by our contemporary conceptual/cultural foundations.


Not restrictive, but knowledge of English is desirable for better reading.

  • 112 STUDENTS
  • AUDIO: Portuguese
  • SUBTITLES: English

Graziele Lautenschlaeger

Artista e pesquisadora em teoria e história das mídias e da artemídia. Doutora em Estudos Culturais pela Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin(2019), mestre em Arquitetura e Urbanismo pela Universidade de São Paulo(2010), com passagem pelo Interface Cultures Department da Künstuniversitä Linz, na Áustria, e bacharel em Imagem e Som pela Universidade Federal de São Carlos. Interessa-se por práticas nas intersecções entre arte e ciência, buscando gerar e nutrir camadas poéticas e simbólicas da interação com artefatos eletrônico-digitais. Sua produção bebe essencialmente em cibernética, estética relacional, arqueologia das mídias e new materialism.