Creative Programming: Trigonometric functions and noise in rasterization

This course covers how to work with trigonometric and noise functions to generate color and motion effects and how to apply these to raster images. The course is intended for people who want to advance techniques for motion in simple shapes, gradient effects in colors, and texture and shape effects in rasterization.

What will you learn?

Oscillation from trigonometric functions to:
- generate angular/circular oscillations in simple 2D graphics functions
- generate waveform from repeating structure
- creating gradients in colors from the loop iterator
- create effects in raster from brightness and saturation of the raster image and by combining noise and trigonometric functions

What is the course project?

The course project is to implement raster images and put effects from trigonometric functions and noise.


- Processing ->
- Basic Processing functions
- Processing data type PImage ->
- Repetition loops

  • AUDIO: Portuguese
  • SUBTITLES: English

Rafa Diniz

Rafa Diniz is an artist and computer art educator who lives in Crato, northeastern Brazil. Although his formal studies are in music, Diniz is primarily a computational artist both in terms of image and sound. His work focuses on generative, interactive visual, and audiovisual art, produced mainly through programming languages. From 2020 he began a series of remote classes on creative code for the Códigos Fazem Arte platform, with students from all over the world taking part. He has participated in projects, exhibitions, and commercial work in Brazil and worldwide.