Introduction to the language of memes

The course aims to discuss the origin of the meme concept and its subsequent development, as well as to present some of the elements concerning its language, discursive genres associated with it, and its applications in specific visual formats.

Students will be led to explore the main appropriations of the meme in art and the political environment, from activist uses and repertoires involving memes, and other theoretical aspects related to this type of content, including the debate on humor in the digital environment.


There are no prerequisites or software needed to attend the class.

  • AUDIO: Portuguese
  • SUBTITLES: English
  • LEVEL: beginner

Viktor Chagas

Viktor Chagas is an associate professor at the Media and Cultural Studies Department and a researcher at the Communication Graduate Program at the Fluminense Federal University. He has a productivity fellowship (PQ-2) from CNPq and a Young Scholar from Out State fellowship from Faperj. He is an associated member of the Brazilian National Institute of Science and Technology for Digital Democracy (INCT.dd). He holds a PhD in History, Politics and Cultural Assets at the Contemporary Brazilian History Research and Documentation Center at the Getulio Vargas Foundation (Cpdoc-FGV). He is also the leader of the coLAB/UFF research group, and coordinator of the #MUSEUdeMEMES university extension project.