How to put together an awesome portfolio: guidance, tips and solutions

Learn how to create your own portfolio from the organization, brief position analysis, and tips on how to put together a cohesive, brief, and straightforward sampling of each artist's work.

What will you learn?

First, you will learn to understand what constitutes a good portfolio, and what elements should be in it. We will take you through the steps of putting together a portfolio. 

Then we will cover what the content of each piece of work in the portfolio should look like. How to show the work, how to describe it, and how to give credit fairly.

We will look at different portfolios to understand possibilities for the layout and sampling of projects.

Finally, we will have suggestions for putting together an online portfolio, and a frequently asked questions session on the topic of portfolios.

What is the project of the course?

The project of the course is to organize your portfolio with up to three projects to be published online, plus the creation of an about you page and a contact page.


No previous knowledge is required. Just projects to put together a portfolio.

  • 801 STUDENTS
  • AUDIO: Portuguese
  • SUBTITLES: English
  • LEVEL: beginner

Paula Cruz

Paula Cruz is an illustrator + designer witch ✨ She has a bachelor's degree from EBA/UFRJ and a master's degree in Design from PUC-Rio, where she developed research on hybrid publications and new ways of reading. She crossed the Atlantic to study the Dutch design masters at the Willem de Kooning Academie in Rotterdam, Holland. She currently lives in Rio de Janeiro and has been teaching design + illustration in book courses since 2019. She has worked for clients such as Google, Facebook, Youtube Global, Whatsapp Global, Editora Record, Intrínseca, Descomplica, TAG Livros, Adidas, Adobe, O Globo, Snapchat, and Disney+. Parallel to her work and studies, she builds authorial projects that unite design, illustration, and research, such as books and posters.