Giselle Beiguelman n e Ilê Sartuzi
GISELLE BEIGUELMAN is an artist and professor at the School of Architecture and Urban University of São Paulo (FAU-USP). She is the author of Memória da
amnesia: politics of forgetting (Edições Sesc, 2019) and of several books and articles on digital culture. Her recent projects include Memória da Amnésia
(2015), Odioland (2017) and Monument None (2019). He is a member of the Lab for OTHER Urbanisms (FAUUSP) and coordinator of GAIA (Group of Art and
Artificial Intelligence of INOVA-USP). Her artistic works integrate museum collections in Brazil and abroad, such as ZKM (Germany), Jewish Museum Berlin, MAC-USP, MAR (Rio de Janeiro) and Pinacoteca de São Paulo. Among other awards, he received the ABCA 2016.
ILÊ SARTUZI is an artist graduated from the University of São Paulo (USP). Your research involves sculptural objects, mapped video projections, installations, and theatrical pieces addressing issues related to the idealized image of the body, often fragmented or built from different parts; but also the absence of this figure in proto-architectural and virtual spaces. He has participated in exhibitions in institutions such as Videobrasil (2021); Instituto Moreira Salles (2020); SESC (Ribeirão Preto, 2019; Distrito Federal, 2018); CCSP - Centro Cultural São Paulo (2018); MAC-USP Museu de Arte Contemporânea (2017); Museu de Arte de Ribeirão Preto (2017; 2015); Centro Universitário Maria Antônia (2019); Galeria Vermelho (2017; 2018, 2019).