Ana Matheus Abbade

  • São Gonçalo, Brasil
Ana Matheus Abbade (São Gonçalo, b. 1996) is an artist, essayist and cultural articulator. In her work, words, substances, images and attitudes form a family of elements that reflect dimensions of experience in the transition of the carnal into language, process and event. Co-founder and cultural coordinator of Casa Chama, cultural association for redistribution and access to economic, corporal and intellectual dignity. Participated in the residencies Pivô - Arte e Pesquisa (SP, 2020), Temos Vagas - Ateliê 397 (SP, 2019), Residency Fundação Armando Álvares Penteado (SP, 2018), Jardim Suspenso da Babilônia (RJ, 2016) and Saracura (RJ, 2016). Honorable Mention at the III Reynaldo Roels Jr. Award, she has participated in international group exhibitions such as A Hora Instável, curated by Germano Dushá (Lisbon, 2019), Corpo Aberto - Um arquivo de Sentimentos, curated by Léa Meier and Valentina D'Avenia (Vevey, 2019) and the solo project Flying Fish, curated by Felipe Molitor and Dereck Marouço (Berlin, 2017).
Quarto sem fim
São Paulo
São Paulo/Brasil