Robin Lopvet
Born in 1990 in the Vosges, Robin Lopvet is a multimedia visual artist working on the issues of language games, economics of recovery, parody, crafts and play. During his studies of the sciences of the engineer, he discovers photography and then decides to join the École Supérieure d’Art of Lorraine in Épinal where he obtains his DNAP in 2012. He then joined the École Nationale Supérieure de la Photographie In Arles, and finished his studies at the ICP, New York. Back in France, he spent five months making a one-hour film made in image by image in an experimental animation technique centered on the diversion of tools of digital retouching, technique of which he is the only user. This technique is a bridge between the still image and the video, which can be classified in what is called the «photographic film». Moreover, Robin Lopvet also creates installations mixing photographs and recovered objects which he distracts the use. In this context, he experimented with modes of image monstration, mixing his photographs with objects, not hesitating to break the glass of frames, hang his images on the skotch, to cover the walls of cardboard ... All Is good for desacralizing the image and the way to show it. He was very influenced by Jean- Yves Jouannais’s Idiotie and considered the creative act as an instant where intellectualization gave way to a form of instantaneity and improvisation, while seeking an internal tension that could make sense for The viewer, without giving the shooting context, letting the image speak alone. Involved in music, he is also a DJ and producer, and organizes evenings in Paris through the Label Club Late Music. Robin Lopvet uses the same creative process in image and music, not hesitating to recover samples but also to create, remix, transform, parody, mix genres. He lives and works on the Internet.