Luís Augusto
In 2008 I was a student at the School of Visual Arts at Parque Lage, dedicating myself to painting with João Magalhães, serigraphy with Evany Cardoso and art history with Pedro França. That same year I participated in the collective exhibition of serigraphy held in the school's own space. In 2013 I worked on the art of the cover of the disc Danza Cava for the carioca band of instrumental rock jazz Chinese Cookie Poets. In 2016, I directed the music video for the song Black around the block, by Negro Léo, besides conceiving the art of the cover of his disc Meu Reino não é desse mundo Vol.I. In 2017, I participated in the XI Victor Meirelles National Salon, Florianópolis - SC, in April, with a triptych, in the digital engraving format.