Patxi Araujo
Patxi Araujo explores the relationships between art, current
technology and poetry, from which investigates scenographic
applications, performances, installations, interactive events and
immersive nature under visual programming environments. From this
interest born The 3rd Law of Clarke (2008), a project that examines and
recreates the territory of techno- magic and Alicia´s Tears (2009),
conceived as a meeting point for aesthetic and hiperconectiva
synesthetic. His work has been exhibited at ArtFutura, EspacioEnter,
Tabakalera Sounds and In-Sonora, among other.
He combines his work as an artist with teaching as a professor of Dept.
of Art and Technology in the University of Basque Country UPV/EHU. He's
doctor from 2007 with the thesis "The Fantastic Images of Architecture."
Collaborates with the University of Caldas (Colombia) as a teacher at
the Master and Doctoral Interactive Design and Creation.