Van O
Van O (Ivan Isaev)
graduated the biological faculty of the Moscow State University and the School of dramatic art of An. Vasil'ev(G.Abramov’s class). I worked as the actor at the theaters "Dance-model" and “Mystery
costumes", as the club designer- created the collection of vanguard fashion "200 volt ago or Some aspects of individual luminosity...",
Art-photographer since 1999г.,is member of Russian Union of Art Photographers since 2009, took part in exhibitions “Tendencies and traditions”-gallery
”Power”-MMMA,2007,”Artgraphic”-New Manege,2006,
“The Circus", "Viniloplastika".
“Angelarium “-MMMA,2008,
”The Origin of Darwin”-Darwin
"Many-many"-Vspolniy gallery,2010,
"Gene modification"-Zverevskiy Cultural Center,2011,"The sign reactualization"-Vspolniy gallery,2011,
”The original fake”- Darwin museum,2012,“Oh, alco,you are the world!”- Zverevskiy Cultural Center, 2014, Lomonosov-Art award exhibition,2014,
2015,“Obsurd camera”-Zverevskiy Cultural Center,2015. Works are in the collection of Russian museum of St.Petersburg. The main projects are” Fire games”2009,” Werevolfs”2013,”Red zone”2012,”Marcel Duchamp's
school”2007,”Red lunch”2005,”Princess-froggy”2003.
The Money defeat the Evil “
-MARCHI gallery, 2004,