Sauara Costa

  • Candeias, Brazil
Sauara Costa, resident of the municipality of Candeias-BA. Started dancing in 2014 in the NGO Alvorecer Bahia participating in classes and mounting shows such as "Vontade de Chorar" and "Primavera" also presented in the city. In the same year, she began her work at Cia. Cenas e Bailados with the staging of the dance show "Suicídio Anacrônico" this one in 2017 funded by the Editorial Setorial de Dança da Bahia. In the following year, 2015, she joins FUNCEB. From that year on, she starts to participate in several works as performer, interpreter/creator, and artistic director of works such as: A Superfície, TEIMA, Ecdise, Sobre/a/Carga, among others. Moves the city culturally promoting dance events such as classes and shows, among others
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