Ana Beatriz Cangussu

  • São Paulo, Brazil
Ana Beatriz Cangussu is a scenic arts major at the University of São Paulo and is trained as a cultural agent by the Demócrito Rocha Foundation's Cultural Agents Training Course, along with the Universidade Aberta do Nordeste. She is a founding member of Endêmica Coletiva, which already has two audiovisual productions: "América das Outras" and "Tenho fome do que é de mim", projects that discuss the impacts of colonization on women's bodies. In 2021, she participated in the workshops of Centro Cultural Oswald de Andrade: "A construção do Espetáculo Solo", given by Luciana Carnieli; "Laboratório Dramaturgia sem palco", given by Sofia Boito and "Roteiro: anatomia de uma história", given by Romeu di Sessa.