Montevideo Bay: 34º55' S - 56º14' W Area: 10 Km2 Depth: 5 mts Tidal variations: 0.43 mts SONIFIED DATA LANDSCAPE: Meteorological data 2018 (winds, precipitation, temperatures). (inumet-meteoblue). Vessel identification in the area (dec2018) (AIS marinetraffic). Approaches, depths and beacons (nautical charts nº40 and nº41). Additional instrument: TROPE (Eno-Chilvers). Tuned to the tonality obtained by the sonification of the basic data of the bay basic data of the bay (area, perimeter, average depth, tide). PHOTOGRAPHS: Taken between 2015 and e 2018 by Brian Mackern. Wide-angle view of Montevidéu harbor: VERA camera, ANTEL Tower (west view, online). +info: