This study is the first to analyze the growth of image sharing around the world in relation to economic, geographic and demographic differences. Using a unique dataset of 270 million geotagged images shared on Twitter worldwide between 09/2011-06/2014. In addition to analyzing all of these posts worldwide, it analyzes in detail the sharing of images in 100 urban areas located on six continents. Instead of considering only the world's largest cities or capitals, he selected these cities using different criteria to better represent the diversity of urban life. Starting with a list of 500 urban areas with at least 1 million people, choosing 100 cities from this list and using a popular economic classification developed by the World Bank that divides all countries into four groups based on gross national income (GNI) per capita. This list has 20 cities in "low-income" countries, 20 in "lower-middle-income" countries, 27 in "upper-middle-income" countries, and 33 in "high-income" countries. These differences greatly affect image sharing rates and growth over time, as we discuss below. Some results: Global growth trends: The number of geo-referenced images shared each month worldwide has grown linearly between 09/2011-06/2014. The number of image tweets more than doubled over the next three months, but then continued to grow at a similar steady rate as before. There was also a large difference in the growth of image sharing between these 100 cities. The differences with respect to the level of economic development of the countries where the 100 cities are located and found a systematic relationship. The lower the level of economic development, the faster the rate of growth in image sharing. Future growth predictions in developing vs. developed areas: In January 2012, the volume of images shared in cities in high-income countries was almost twice as high as in the next category (upper-middle income). By June 2014, the gap between the first two categories had almost disappeared. However, image sharing in cities in lower-middle and lower-middle income countries was still significantly further behind, and the gap between them was more than 20:1. Geographic differences: Looking at the growth of urban image sharing by sub-continent, we also find large differences: from 8.8% in Western Europe and East Asia to 18.2% in Sub-Saharan Africa. In general, growth has been greatest in the less economically developed sub-continents, but these patterns do not simply repeat what we have seen before. For example, growth in South America has been higher than in South Asia, although economically some of the South Asian countries are ahead. Image Sharing and the Age of Population: The growth rate of image sharing and the average age of the population are strongly related. The younger the average age of a country's population, the faster the growth of image sharing (correlation = -0.727). This relationship is even stronger than the rate of economic growth and development (correlation = -0.519). Images are becoming brighter: Do the visual characteristics of shared images change over time? We have measured brightness, saturation, and color for all shared images in 100 cities in the first part of 2012 and the first part of 2014. We found that over time the images on average became brighter (7.25% increase). In some of the individual cities, the changes in the characteristics of the shared images we analyzed were even larger. We will continue to investigate these patterns and publish more details in the future. This is a summary of the results of this research, for the full project and team, please visit: