GROUP OBJECTIVES To utilize our talent to entertain, educate and promote Ghanaian culture and tradition to Ghanaian and non – Ghanaian audiences. LETTER OF INTRODUCTION Dance Africa Foundation, a leading youthful traditional music and dance group based in the capital, has declared its intention to develop traditional dance by organizing free training lessons for the youth. The group, since its inception some years back, has thrilled diverse audiences in the country and beyond with its own variations of traditional music and dance as well as contemporary dance pieces. Ghanaian and African traditional music and dance fans have been assured of magical performances from the group later this year during its impending music and dance shows in some selected areas in the country. The ensemble's roots in the Ghanaian cultural scene, formation of a children and adult orchestra, have since grown to include dancers, singers as well as musicians. Based in Accra, the Dance Africa Foundation performs nationally and internationally and has performed at so many events and venues which include the Ristumeikan University Kyoto-Japan, Drummondville World Festival, Walt Disney, as well as the highly acclaimed Folklore Festival in Yalta on the Black Sea. Accompanied by an array of African drums, the group has endeared itself to the hearts of Ghanaian cultural music fans with its complex rhythms that expose the beauty and diversity of Ghana and African music and dance. The group, which is made up of talented young boys and girls, has over the past months been creating waves with magnificent and powerful performances. The members of the group have delighted enthusiastic crowds in several cities and towns throughout the country with pieces from their large repertoire of traditional and choreographed dance pieces. Through its dedication to the African art, the Government of Ghana, under the auspices of the Ministry Of Chieftaincy and Culture and the National Commission on Culture, enabled the organization to represent the country on so many international platforms across Europe and Asia. The group is noted for teaching in so many academic institutions and engaging international students who want to learn African cultural dancing. Dance Africa Foundation, a leading youthful traditional music and dance group based in the capital, has declared its intention to develop traditional dance by organizing free training lessons for the youth. The group, since its inception some years back, has thrilled diverse audiences in the country and beyond with its own variations of traditional music and dance as well as contemporary dance pieces. Ghanaian and African traditional music and dance fans have been assured of magical performances from the group later this year during its impending music and dance shows in some selected areas in the country. The ensemble's roots in the Ghanaian cultural scene, formation of a children and adult orchestra, have since grown to include dancers, singers as well as musicians. Accompanied by an array of African drums, the group has endeared itself to the hearts of Ghanaian cultural music fans with its complex rhythms that expose the beauty and diversity of Ghana and African music and dance. The group, which is made up of talented young boys and girls, has over the past months been creating waves with magnificent and powerful performances. The members of the group have delighted enthusiastic crowds in several cities and towns throughout the country with pieces from their large repertoire of traditional and choreographed dance pieces. Through its dedication to the African art, the Government of Ghana, under the auspices of the Ministry Of Chieftaincy and Culture and the National Commission on Culture, enabled the organization to represent the country on so many international platforms across Europe and Asia. The group is noted for teaching in so many academic institutions and engaging international students who want to learn African cultural dancing. Dance Africa Foundation was formed to promote Ghanaian and African cultural values, both at home and abroad. Since its establishment over 9 years ago, the group has had tremendous success in terms of international engagements. Besides the group's terrific choreography and wonderful performances, the public is also fascinated by the colourful richness of the ensemble's costumes. The affluent wardrobe is consistent with the stylish wealth of dresses in the various ethnographical regions on Ghana. The group has been involved in the promotion and development of traditional Ghanaian music and dance. He has been instrumental in the training of several young men and women who are currently at the forefront of traditional, contemporary music and dance in Ghana and beyond. He noted that he was still negotiating with some selected institutions in the country, where the group would train and help to develop talents in the youth. He hinted that very soon the group would stage live musical performances and drama in some of the first cycle institutions to encourage the young ones to develop interests in traditional music and dance REPERTOIRE. The ensemble’s repertoire is extremely varied. The dances included in it re-create on the stage the whole affluence of rhythms and movements that exist in the Ghanaian folklore dance. In the children’s concert formations, we select dances based on kids’ folklore games from all regions in Ghana. The goal is to achieve a completely stylish and true performance of each dance staging. Besides being stylish and skillful dancers. The performing mastery of the dancers in this group allows the recreation on stage of the whole beauty and variety of the Ghanaian folklore dance. The humoristic chamber dances bring good disposition and freshness. The chamber dances on love or historical themes are also of high artistic value and aesthetical effect. Besides the terrific choreography and the wonderful performance, the public is also fascinated by the colorful richness of the ensemble’s costumes. The affluent wardrobe is consistent with the stylish wealth of dresses in the various ethnographical regions on Ghana. World Ambition Dance Ensemble turn themselves into festivals of the national creativity, of the talent and the genius of the Ghanaian people that has created and preserved through the ages the wealth called Ghanaian folklore. BAMAYA: It is a social dance of the Dagomba tribe in the northern Part of Ghana. It originates as a result of drought which is performed by men only. It is performed in a circle with the drummers in the middle but the group has created its own arrangement on the dance. JERA: Is a ceremonial dance performed for heroes or on very important occasions. Jera which comes from the Northern Part of Ghana, It is also performed by men who are spiritually strong and can display their powers. BUKKII: No matter how energetic a human being would be in the youthful days, there is a possibility of using a walking stick during old age. This is what “Bukii” a recreational dance choreographed by the group. KETE: Is a court dance performed fir the entertainment of the Ashantehene Chief of Ashanti. This dance was originally performed for only the royals are now performed at all social gatherings in modern Ghana. SIKYI: Is a recreational dance performed by the Akans in Ghana. It is Flirtatious in Character and its movement includes bobbling. In this Dramatized version, the performers entertains you with innocent youthful love plays between lads and lasses AGBEKOR: This is a war dance of the Ewes in the Volta region Of Ghana. It is usually performed by war heroes to demonstrate to the people at home, some of the activities at the battlefield. TOGO ATSA: Atsa means show off. It is recreational dance performed by elderly woman in Southern Togo. It shows the gentle but dignified manners of woman folk in their social lives. GAHU: Is a popular dance of the Ewes of the Volta region of Ghana. It is a recreational dance which has traveled all the way from Nigeria to Ghana. Gahu is a combination of Yoruba and Ewes songs and movements. NAGLA: Nagla is a beautiful traditional dance of the Grushies in the Upper West Region of Ghana. It is a harvest dance and in this presentation the woman joins their men to dance after harvest KOBINA: kobina dance is derive from the kobina festival of the chiefs and people of Lawra traditional area in the northern part of Ghana. It is marked with much merry making. The group in these presentations shows the process of harvesting and the joy of good farming seasons. BAWA: A good harvest is always a joy for every farmer, hence lost of merry making with drumming and dancing. Bawa is dances which accompany a kind of merry making. It comes from the Dagartis in the northern part of Ghana. It is usually performed in circle but in this presentation we have given it a different form. ADZOGBO: This is a cult dance from the Republic of Benin in West Africa. Adzogbo is a dance in which the men show off their ability, toughness, spiritual powers and vigilance. Adzogbo is performed by men and it is preceded by a series of spiritual songs and rituals. Some of the movement of Adzogbo are motifs of French colonial army drills and rule