Sèrie de quinze peces, Imatge digital Geopolitical maps have a strong power of attraction, a strange capability to seize us in search for a conceptualised identifi cation. It is an amusing and fascinating intellectual exercise. They contain information of different types, part of it unquestionably built from physical referents, but most of it totally artifi cial. However, they offer the most faithful representation of the territory. The current moment of thinking over Europe has similarities with Bayona's thinking over painting. Therefore, the logic Bayona has applied to his pictorial production is applied from the offi ces of the leaders of this union of states. Only aims and method separate them. Bayona builds another structure through infography and starting from the inner structures of the system of each map. He isolates regions and communities and then reorders them following two patterns: superposition and orientation according to the 4 cardinal points. The system used by Bayona acts giving a similar dimension to the original structure, but changes its sense substantially. The resulting new structures are unlimited. Even though they may seem organized around a centre, the fact that they are repeatable and juxtaposed provides an element of total decentralization. Bayona suggests these new landscapes conserving the proximity of memories, of recognition or homesickness evoked by cities, towns or geographical areas. There is no refusal of these realities, but a distant and methodical construction expressed —as in the type of painting he had dealt with previously— through a neutral pattern and a chanceful code of application of a variant. We rediscover an acid but ironic point which does not get to raise criticism in the literal sense, although making evident the contradictions that arise when the territory is delimited and analysed. The process by which we make an interpretation of territorial bodies depends strictly on preconceived ideas, on one hand, and of projected ideas, on the other hand.