An arm with a farmer's tan makes the shape of the Antilles. The map covers Duchamp's door for Étant Donnés, a huge old Spanish door he kept in his tiny NYC studio while he secretly worked on the piece for twenty years. You conflate the map with the terrain, the langue with the parole. In the collage a lyrical resonance builds, intending to depict the strangeness of the "1.5 generation" experience: born in one place, raised in another, fearing the loss of the native tongue which may take on mythic proportions, with one's head perennially turned backwards like Bejamin's angel of history, facing a country and culture with one's perception fogged by yearning fantasy and incommensurable abjection. In this sense this collage is a self-portrait. Feel free to use the attached png Tan arm, Antilles, Étant donnés door (small) as a representative image.