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At a passing glance, the works of Ole Tersløse appear to be photographs, but on closer inspection, the objects depicted are too perfect and too simplified to simply be photography. He creates every single element from scratch with 3D computer software developed to create convincing illu­sions in film and advertising. As hinted, an allpervasive characteristic of Ole Tersløse’s works is that the illusion never becomes entirely credible. He creates a recognisable parallel world that remains a digital construction in spite of all the refer­ences to our shared reality. Technique and concept go hand in hand in Ole Tersløse’s works. The computer soft-ware is his digital labora­tory where he creates surreal, fantastic worlds with constant references to our shared perception of reality. However, by constantly exposing his visual world as artificial and unnatural, he shows that our images (of the world) are constructions of perception and not an innocent reflection of reality. Because our images remain our own ”mental constructions”, Tersløse is not shy about reminding us that we sometimes make downright crazy constructions, which is frequently expressed through a deliberately wacky, surreally inspired juxtaposition of his figures. In their deepest sense, Tersløse’s highly figurative works actualise a form of filosophical/perceptual riddle. If his figures do not refer to reality, then what do they refer to? His works stand as meticulously crafted signifiers that paradoxically are unable to maintain a clearly defined signifié.