Every day I wake up and wonder if the confinement-isolation-covid19-mask-protection-glasses-living-at-SUS-gratitude-deliverers-wear-the-package-NOT-OF-HOME will ever end? Will it end? Are we going to get used to it? Is this the new "we"? Imagine how crazy it would be to wake up one day and not think about all this? To wake up and sleep like this, in this window, every day? Imagine eating the same thing every day? Can you imagine eating food? Imagine not eating? Imagine three small walls around you and a grill? Just a grille where light comes in and you see, at a right angle, every day the same thing. Imagine 365 days of this. Another 365. Feed. Screaming. Elephantiasis Captivity is an imagetic-sound loop, a dilation of our current pandemic existence.