Paula Holanda Cavalcante

  • Feira de Santana, Bahia, Brazil
Photographer, teacher, and researcher living in the city of Feira de Santana (Bahia, Brazil), student of the Specialization in Drawing with emphasis on Drawing Methodology at UEFS and researcher at the same institution in the Trajectories, Culture and Education (TRACE) group. In the post-graduation course, she is developing a monograph on human visual perception and theories of perception applied to the drawing. She graduated in Social Communication with a major in Journalism from UFBA in 2018. She participated in artistic residencies in Brazil (Ethno Bahia, 2020) and Chile (Etno Cahuil, 2020), integrated collective and individual exhibitions in local museums, and contributed to initiatives in countries such as Brazil, Chile, Argentina, Mexico, and Colombia with authorial works.
Estimulador cardíaco
Playa de Cáhuil
Cáhuil, Chile