Once there was a clear distinction between reality and illusion, but today the boundary disappeared. The most intimate part of our lives became the virtual world that feeds on themedia.The technology shapes human consciousness and way of thinking, changing our perception. We live in a world where there are more and more information, and less and less meaning.Time and space, drastically compressed by the computer, have become interchangeable. Time is compressed in that once everything has been reduced to 'bits' of information, it becomes simultaneously accessible. Space is compressed in that once everything has been reduced to 'bits' of information, it can be conveyed from A to B with the speed of light.As a result of digitization, everything is in the here and now. The information on whole world is on internet and salvation is just a WI-FI away.The term hyperreality marks a new concurrence of circumstances in which disappears every tension between reality and illusion, between reality as it is and as it could be.Do we look at the world with the same eyes as our ancestors? How has the way we see reality changed due to technology, media and screens? How is our relationship with technology? Do we live trough technology? Did we find the long awaited utopia in virtual reality or does the VR amplify society's hysteria and schizophrenia, lowering focus and awareness?As W.J.T. Mitchell says , images change reality to the extent that reverses the logical, blurring the difference between real and reproductions. We naturally believe in their reality, but they only apparently resemble things, events, persons.The notion of "the real" continues to be hotly debated in an era when the internet, virtual reality, cybertheory and bioethics challenge the very nature of "reality".